Tennis player Coco Gauff takes care to avoid drawing attention to her relationship.

The 20-year-old has been in a relationship for more than a year, but she hasn’t yet disclosed his identity. But she just informed People that her man will be showing up at forthcoming tennis games.

“My boyfriend is likely to travel to some U.S. tournaments.” It’s not that much harder than travelling to Europe,” she informed the newspaper.

This unfortunately looks to mean that he won’t be going to the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris this summer with Coco’s parents to support her, but he is undoubtedly a dedicated fan who will be watching at home.

See more of Coco’s remarks regarding her mysterious boyfriend and the development of their relationship here.

Coco talks about him in interviews.

While enjoying live music during an interview for the Tennis Channel’s Warm and Fuzzy series, Michael Kosta asked Coco, “What does that type of harp music make you feel?”

She answered, “It makes you feel like you want to be in love.”

When the host asked about Coco’s love life, she said that it was “trending up,” but then she laughed and remarked, “God, I hope he doesn’t see this.”


After winning the US Open, Coco said more about her lover at a press conference held after the victory.

She claimed that she became sidetracked and spent too much time fantasising about winning the night before her first attempt at a Grand Slam (the 2022 French Open). A year later, to keep her thoughts from wandering in the same direction, Coco contacted her lover to divert her attention because she felt that this contributed to her defeat in the match.

“I told him, ‘Let’s talk until it’s time to go to sleep,’ so we spoke until 1:00 a.m. and then I went to sleep,” she recalled. Coco clarified that their talk inspired her to “give it my all” during the game.

Coco revealed recently that her boyfriend makes her more competitive. As part of a reading challenge, the two have challenged each other to read 24 books by the year 2024.

At the German Open in Berlin, she told reporters, “I like trying to finish faster than him,” according to Us Weekly. “I’m two books ahead, so I’m winning right now.”

She hasn’t revealed his name.

While Coco has mentioned him a few times, she hasn’t released the identity of her lover (yet). She simply isn’t up for people scrutinising everything she does since it seems like being in the public eye means that people will do that.

In April, Coco said, “This is my first real relationship.” she told Time. “It gives me a new perspective to just have someone to talk to who isn’t involved in tennis at all.”


Fans have, nonetheless, conjectured about Coco’s mystery boyfriend. And it seems that they are spot on.

“Two or three days ago, people on Twitter found him,” she said earlier this year to Vogue. “I won’t respond and confirm if it’s him or not, but they caught me in the comments, so they know.”

Supporters conjecture that Jalen Sera, an upcoming Atlanta artist, is her lover. Furthermore, the remarks that Jalen and Coco have left on one other’s Instagram photos are extremely damning proof.

Jalen commented, “One of one💫,” on Coco’s Time cover. In April, he shared a mirror picture in which he wrote, “The world needs you🎸️.”