Just in: It’s unacceptable at this level.” -Jade Cargill  ‘very upset’ with training coach Bryan Danielson  following his poor mistakes that…

In a recent interview, professional wrestler Jade Cargill expressed strong dissatisfaction with her training coach, Bryan Danielson, following a series of missteps she deemed unacceptable for someone of his caliber. Cargill, known for her no-nonsense attitude and dedication to her craft, did not hold back as she critiqued the coaching errors she believes have impacted her development.

“It’s unacceptable at this level,” Cargill remarked bluntly when asked about her recent frustrations. “When you’re working with someone as experienced as Bryan, you expect a certain standard. But lately, there have been too many mistakes, and it’s holding me back from getting where I need to be.”

Cargill, who has made waves in professional wrestling with her dominant in-ring presence and undefeated streak in AEW, has always been vocal about her desire to improve. Despite her early success, she remains focused on refining her skills, with an eye on becoming one of the best in the industry. That’s where Bryan Danielson, one of the most respected veterans in the sport, comes in. Known for his technical prowess and in-depth understanding of wrestling psychology, Danielson has been working with Cargill to hone her abilities.

However, Cargill made it clear that she has been less than impressed with Danielson’s recent training sessions. She referenced a few key instances where she felt Danielson’s advice and training methods didn’t align with her needs. “We’re talking about fundamental mistakes—things that someone with his experience should be better at identifying and correcting,” she continued. “I’m not saying he doesn’t know his stuff, but if I’m not seeing the results I need, then something’s wrong.”

Sources close to the situation suggest that tensions between Cargill and Danielson have been simmering for a while, with Cargill becoming increasingly frustrated by what she perceives as a lack of focus on her specific strengths. Some speculate that the clash may come down to a difference in approach: Cargill’s explosive, power-based style versus Danielson’s more technical, submission-heavy philosophy.

Danielson, often praised for his mentorship and in-ring intelligence, has not publicly responded to Cargill’s criticisms, but those familiar with the situation have hinted that the two might not be on the same page when it comes to Cargill’s long-term trajectory. While Danielson has been instrumental in helping numerous wrestlers evolve their in-ring work, Cargill’s unique mix of athleticism and power presents challenges that not every coach is equipped to handle.

Cargill’s frustration with Danielson’s approach comes at a pivotal time in her career. Already an established force in AEW, she is looking to break into the upper echelon of wrestling stars. For her, this means sharpening every facet of her game, from ring work to promos, and ensuring that her momentum continues to build. “I can’t afford to be making mistakes in the ring, especially with where I’m headed,” Cargill said. “I have big goals, and I need someone who can push me to the next level.”

The relationship between wrestler and coach is one built on trust and mutual respect. But in the highly competitive world of professional wrestling, any disconnect can lead to friction. Cargill made it clear that while she respects Danielson’s accomplishments, the recent missteps have made her question whether he’s the right person to guide her to the top. “I have nothing but respect for Bryan, but this is my career. I have to do what’s best for me, and right now, I’m not sure this is it.”

Cargill’s public dissatisfaction with Danielson has already sparked widespread debate among wrestling fans and analysts. Some see her criticisms as a wake-up call for Danielson, suggesting that he may need to adapt his coaching style to better suit Cargill’s particular strengths. Others, however, believe that Cargill’s frustrations may be more about her own high expectations and the pressures of living up to the hype.

Regardless, the situation between Cargill and Danielson is likely to have ripple effects across the wrestling landscape. Cargill’s rise has been meteoric, and any potential coaching change could signal a new direction for the superstar. As for Danielson, his legacy as both a wrestler and a mentor is firmly established, but the question remains: can he help Cargill reach the elite level she desires, or will she seek guidance elsewhere?

In the fast-paced world of professional wrestling, where careers can be made or broken in an instant, Jade Cargill’s next move will be one to watch. If her recent comments are any indication, the stakes have never been higher.