Just in: New York Yankees star player Aaron James Judge fined $160,000 for refusing to…

New York Yankees star player Aaron James Judge has been fined $160,000 by Major League Baseball for refusing to comply with the league’s new media engagement policy. The policy, which was introduced at the beginning of the 2024 season, mandates that all players must participate in a set number of media interactions, including press conferences and interviews, both before and after games. This move by MLB aims to enhance the sport’s visibility and engagement with fans through increased media presence.

Judge, a prominent figure in baseball and a key player for the Yankees, has been vocal about his discomfort with the policy. He expressed concerns about the potential distractions and pressure these mandatory media engagements could place on players, potentially affecting their performance and mental well-being. Despite his protests, MLB has enforced the policy strictly, leading to Judge’s significant fine.

In a statement released by Judge, he explained his position, saying, “While I understand the importance of connecting with fans and promoting the game, I believe that forcing players into these mandatory engagements can sometimes do more harm than good. Our focus should be on performing our best on the field, and I think there are better ways to achieve the league’s goals without compromising players’ mental health and performance.”