Breaking news: SA Rugby coach Jones Eddie mocked Prince Harry due to………

Eddie Jones reportedly didn’t hold back while criticizing Prince Harry’s position on climate change, highlighting what the former England coach believed to be the hypocrisy of the royal family.

During his time as England’s coach, Prince Harry—who supported the RFU until 2021—was made fun of by Jones when he was touring the training grounds.

Ben Youngs, an England prop, and Australia’s clever observation were discussed on the For the Love of Rugby podcast.

Jones presented pointed questions on Elton John’s jet use and climate change denial to Harry, bringing up the royal and his wife’s out-of-the-public travels that ran counter to their climate change campaigning.

“Are you aware that Prince Harry used to drop by occasionally to observe us in training? Youngs remarked, “I’m not sure what we name him now. “Have all of his titles disappeared, too?

Eddie once asked him, “How’s climate change doing, mate? ” as he was standing there speaking to the group. How did Elton John’s aircraft fare? That was really excellent.

Eddie Jones, a rugby coach, has criticized Prince Harry once more for using private jets.

The Australian rugby player made fun of the 38-year-old prince when he was witnessing a training session, as reported by the Sun.

As part of his previous position as England’s rugby patron, the Duke of Sussex was also present for the practice and was given the opportunity to speak with the players afterwards.

Eddie, the England manager from 2015 until 2022, asked, “Hey, how’s climate change doing, mate? How’s Elton John’s jet doing?

This was a reference to Harry and his 42-year-old wife Meghan’s 2019 trip to Nice on the musician’s private jet.

Elton John defended the pair, arguing that they required the protection even though there were several commercial aircraft from London that went to the location every day.

According to The Sun, the remarks were made on the Speaking segment of the For the Love of Rugby podcast.

Prince Harry used to come in and watch us train, right? Dan Cole said to his teammate and host Ben Youngs.

He went on: There was this one occasion when he was standing there talking to the group and Eddie asked, ‘How’s climate change doing, mate? How’s Elton John’s jet doing?

Ben called Dan’s remark pretty nice, and the two chuckled as he accused Dan of making fun of Prince Harry and Eddie.

Harry lost his position as patron of the Rugby Football League in 2017 and the Rugby Football Union in England when he and Meghan left the royal life behind.

The late Queen Elizabeth II gave Kate Middleton both of the responsibilities, which she currently occupies.

Harry and Meghan have faced criticism on multiple occasions for their use of private jets in spite of their self-described green lifestyle, not only the 2019 incident.

The pair was called eco-hypocrites in November of last year after taking a private plane to a Katy Perry concert.

On a jet owned by Texan oil heir Michael Herd, Harry and Meghan traveled to Las Vegas from Santa Barbara along with a number of other famous people.

The actress Zoe Saldana, together with Cameron Diaz and her spouse Benji Madden, took a 40-minute private Gulfstream jet ride to witness the last performance of Perry’s Vegas residency.

Herd stated they simply went to dinner and to attend Katy’s last show when approached by the Sun regarding Harry and Meghan’s trip.

They’re good people, he continued, adding that since I’m not them, he had nothing to say about the criticism leveled against the Sussexes’ private plane.

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