Breaking news: ‘This is be my last.’ saint makes honest admission as she announces her…

Breaking News: In a heartfelt and unexpected announcement, renowned saint and humanitarian, Mother Teresa of the Divine Heart, declared, “This is be my last.” During a poignant press conference held earlier today, she revealed that her current mission will be her final act of service.

Known for her unwavering dedication to the impoverished and sick around the globe, Mother Teresa has been a beacon of compassion for decades. Her admission comes as a surprise to many, as she has continued to lead with vigor despite her advancing age. In a moving statement, she expressed her deep gratitude for the support she has received throughout her journey, stating, “It is time for me to step aside and allow the next generation to carry forward the torch of kindness.”

Mother Teresa’s final mission will focus on establishing a new center dedicated to supporting orphaned children in remote areas. She emphasized that her decision is driven by a desire to ensure that her work continues to make a profound impact. Her legacy, characterized by her selfless service and boundless love, will undoubtedly endure long after her departure from the frontline of humanitarian efforts.