Just in: kelsey plum sends a fare well note to Darren Waller over retirement party; saying you were good but football was never for….

At Darren Waller’s retirement party, his wife, Kelsey Plum, took a moment to share a heartfelt and memorable farewell note that captured the essence of their relationship and her genuine thoughts on his career. In her message, Plum began by celebrating Waller’s incredible achievements in the NFL. She praised his dedication, skill, and perseverance throughout his football journey, acknowledging the hard work he put in and the milestones he reached.

With her characteristic blend of honesty and affection, Plum included a candid reflection on Waller’s career. “You were good, but football was never for you,” she wrote, infusing her message with a touch of humor and warmth. She explained that, while Waller had excelled on the field and made significant contributions to the sport, she always believed that his true calling lay beyond football. Plum’s comment was meant to highlight her belief that, despite his success in the NFL, Waller’s talents and passions extended far beyond the game.

Plum went on to express her excitement for what the future holds for Waller. She spoke of her confidence in his ability to excel in new ventures and explore his many other interests and talents. Plum emphasized that, even though football had been a significant part of their lives, she was eager to see Waller thrive in this new chapter.

As she wrapped up her note, Plum assured Waller of her unwavering support and love. She promised to be by his side as he embarks on this next adventure, believing that the best is yet to come. Her words were a heartfelt tribute to Waller’s football career and an optimistic look toward their future together.