sadd: shi gawn ..

Mi heart heavy as mi haffi tell unu, she gone. Di news hit wi like a ton a bricks, and mi cyaan stop di tears from flowing. She was more dan a friend; she was family, a soul sistren who always had mi back.

From di day wi met, it was like we knew each odder from long time. Wi shared laughs, dreams, and dem good ole island vibes. Mi remember di time wi spend pon di beach, watching di sunset ova di Caribbean Sea, jus’ chatting ’bout life and all di tings wi wanted to accomplish. She always did have a way fi lift up mi spirits, even when di road get rocky.

She did a fighter, yuh know. Mi remember when she face challenges, she neva give up. She did brave like lioness, facing her battles wid strength and dignity. Mi did look up to her, admire her courage and di we weh she never back down from nuhting.

Wi did plan so much fi di future. Wi did have dreams fi travel di world, fi build up wi community back a yard, fi mek a difference inna people life. But now, she gone, and it feel like a piece a mi heart gone wid her. Mi haffi remind miself fi cherish di memories wi create, fi hold on pon di good times and di laughter wi share.

Mi know seh she deh pon a better journey now. She deh a better place, free from di pain and di struggles weh hold her down. Mi haffi find comfort inna dat, even as mi heart ache fi di loss. She leave behind a legacy, a mark pon mi life weh cyaan be erased.

As mi si down and write dis, mi feel di emptiness weh come wid her absence. Mi haffi lean pon mi faith fi find peace, fi know seh one day wi aggo meet again pon di golden shores weh never fade.

Rest inna peace, mi dear friend. Yuh memory will live on inna mi heart forever. Until wi meet again, walk good.