WHY NOW: I’m leaving for good, l can’t face this……

Leaving, especially when it feels like the only option, can be a whirlwind of emotions, a tempest of uncertainty and resolve. It’s not a decision made lightly; rather, it’s often the culmination of countless moments, each one a thread woven into the fabric of one’s existence until it becomes too heavy to bear.

“Why now?” It’s a question that echoes in the chambers of the heart, reverberating with the weight of all that has led to this moment. Perhaps it’s the culmination of months, years even, of feeling unseen, unheard, trapped in the confines of circumstances that suffocate the spirit. It’s the culmination of silent battles fought behind closed doors, battles against doubts, fears, and the relentless pressure to keep going when every fiber of one’s being screams to stop.

It’s the moment when the soul, weary from the struggle, whispers, “enough.” It’s the moment when the need for self-preservation outweighs the fear of the unknown, when the longing for freedom eclipses the comfort of familiarity. It’s the moment when the realization dawns that staying would be a betrayal of oneself, a denial of the inherent worthiness of one’s own happiness and fulfillment.

Leaving is an act of courage, a declaration of autonomy in a world that often seeks to confine and define us. It’s a leap into the unknown, a journey into uncharted territory where the landscape of possibility stretches out before us, vast and intimidating yet brimming with potential.

Leaving is not just a physical departure; it’s a shedding of old skin, a shedding of the layers of expectation, obligation, and conformity that bind us. It’s a reclaiming of one’s own narrative, a rewriting of the story with chapters yet unwritten, with endings yet to be defined.

So why now? Because the heart can only bear so much before it breaks, because the spirit can only endure so much before it rebels. Because life is too short to settle for anything less than what sets our souls on fire, anything less than what makes us feel alive.

Leaving is not the end; it’s a new beginning, a chance to start afresh, to reinvent oneself, to chase dreams that once seemed out of reach. It’s a promise to oneself that no matter how daunting the journey may seem, it’s worth taking the first step towards a life that feels truly worth living.