Good news: Holger Rune congratulates carlos Alcarez after a…

Though they have grown up together throughout the sport, the two have only shared the court competitively on three times in the professional arena.

Given that they are now two of its greatest talents, their opinions should be taken seriously in the hopes of bringing about much-needed reform.

In an interview with the Indian Wells Press, the rising Danish tennis star confirmed Alcaraz’s feelings on social media.

To be honest, I try to avoid reading social media as much as possible,” the 20-year-old asserted. My usage of social media is decreasing. To everyone of my admirers, I try to give back. It truly means a lot, which is why I believe it to be significant.

It’s wonderful to have supporters and cheerleaders like these in your corner. encourage you when you need it. Then, of course, there are the detractors. I believe we require both.

Thus, I believe it to be only a portion of it. However, I firmly believe that the remarks expressed are excessive, as someone else mentioned.

In real life, you most likely wouldn’t walk up to a player and say something like that to their face. I believe that even on social media, you should exercise some self-control in what you say. It seems significant to me.

I can’t speak for all the players, but in my opinion, it’s actually kind of a joke. For the simple reason that those who are betting on the matches that they most likely lost a wager on or something else make them feel as though they ought to write some s***.

Thus, I don’t believe they wrote it with much intention. Only a result. Still, I don’t think it’s acceptable.

To respond to Carlos’s feelings over it. It’s difficult, to be honest, to have bad feelings about Carlos. What actions has he taken? It’s incredible that at the age of 20, he has already won two Grand Slams. I don’t think there’s anything to be unhappy about.

As Rune points out, people frequently overlook how much Alcaraz has accomplished in spite of his young.

He has already relieved the strain that comes with chasing Grand Slams and provided himself the finest possible basis for long-term success in the sport—something that many will never be able to accomplish in their lifetime.

But given his defeat at the US Open the previous year, his failure to get to the ATP Masters final, and his subsequent quarterfinal departure in the Australian Open in January, doubts have been raised about his actual skill.

Absurdly so.

Without a doubt, he will return soon, primed to rule once more, and that might begin with a strong title defense at Indian Wells.

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