Andreas Paaske was, to put it mildly, not a fan of the Razorbacks before entering the transfer portal and landing at Arkansas.

No, not those from Fayetteville. Or even the students at Arkansas High in Texarkana. The Triangle Razorbacks, a football team in Denmark that was one of his primary rivals while playing for the Søllerød Gold Diggers, also have the same distinctive mascot.

Paaske (pronounced POE-ska) revealed that he had several friends that played for the Razorbacks in Denmark, and now he’s about to make new acquaintances with the Razorbacks in the SEC, having transferred in from Eastern Michigan this winter.

He recently spoke with Best of Arkansas Sports and admitted that Northwest Arkansas’ charm had a big impact on him.

“I enjoy nature, and it appears that there is a lot to do outside of football here,” Paaske added.

Arkansas football coach Sam Pittman played a role in Paaske’s decision to continue his career at Fayetteville, as he focused on more than just his football talents.

“He told me that he enjoyed my film, he appreciated how aggressive I am, and he feels my potential is extremely high, and I’ve barely scratched the surface,” Paaske explained. “But basically, we talked about the team’s culture and what we want to accomplish at Arkansas, which sounded really, really good to me.”

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